With a sense of responsibility as a group leader
Taichi Fukiage
Community Bus Driver / Joined in 2015

Progress so far
I was interested in bus work and joined this company because I went to a transportation school and liked driving. For the first six months or so, I worked as an operation management assistant, and after about a year, I obtained a bus license. After experienced a school bus driver, I started driving community bus routes. Currently, I am in charge of Bunkyo Ward, Kita Ward, and Chuo Ward on the Harumi Liner.
Responsibility as Team Leader
Recently, new graduate drivers have joined the company, and I feel that I am now in a position to take care of my juniors. However, although I became the group leader this year, I still have many things to learn as a driver myself, and I am studying every day. Also, there are people in the team who joined the company mid-career, and most of them are older than me, so I try to be careful about how I interact with them. It is my responsibility to convey what I have experienced so far and what I have learned from my seniors.

What is transport concierge for me?
We strive to drive safely, make our customers happy, and use the bus. In the case of fixed-route buses, since it is a community-based service, it is characterized by many customers who use it on a daily basis to get to hospitals and ward offices. Under such circumstances, I believe that it is my duty as a driver to pay attention to how to use the brakes and customer service, and to have a comfortable ride. The happiest moment in this job is when customers say "thank you" when they get off.